Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Man, The Myth, The Mystery ~ Aaron Gillespie

Most widely known for being the singer of Underoath & The Almost, Aaron Gillespie is a pure musical genius. Although he is the vocalist for the two bands, Aaron writes all of the music produced by them. He writes the music for the drums, the guitar, and the bass. If you know music then you'll know that making music isn't the easiest thing in the world. It takes a lot of time and effort and can be very tiring. But to do all of it!? That's nuts. He has influenced many in the music industry as well as the Christian community. Aaron is known for being a great Christian and lives for god. His work and music have tons of varying attributes of Christianity and a lot of people look up to him. As seen on the cover of the Magazine to the left, Aaron's bands have been awarded many awards for their great musical talent. They still continue to stay at the top of the totum pole in the Musical Christian community. I have a feeling the will stay there for a while.


  1. Underoath and The Almost are amazing. GOOD JOB(:

  2. this guy has to be really creative to create that much music lol

  3. Missed you in class today (probably even more than Lynsea). You're gonna need to get with it choosing a mentor author and posting some excerpts. Who misses this much school anyway? .. oh wait...
